Post Ludum Dare Changelog

In the spirit of Ludum Dare, I've not pushed any enhancements to the game, simply bug fixes and play-ability issues.  If you're interested to see the specific changes since the deadline, [you can click here now to see exact differences of the files](  I've branched off a ludum dare maintenance branch which will **NOT** receive anything beyond bug fixes.  I will, however, be starting work on a full fledged game with the concept and foundation code.

The changes I made to the game are below:

* Clawer enemy health changed from 200 to 150
* Clawer enemy attack damage changed from 15 to 10
* Levels 4, 5, 6, 6.1, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have all had their enemy counts tweaked to be slightly easier
* Slug enemy now shows up earlier in the game

If you tried my game before and thought it was too hard, give it another shot!  If you haven't tried it yet, give it a shot and leave some feedback!

Files Play in browser
Apr 24, 2018

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